Ricerca didattica

Memorandum of Understanding with IC3 Modena

The Scale Museum and Istituto Comprensivo 3 of Modena, as part of the "Understanding the World: Schools and more" project,  join forces to promote scientific and technological culture.

The three-year memorandum of understanding (aa.ss. 2018/19, 2019/20 e 2020/21) signed by the two institutions relates to the 'realisation of activities and training courses on scientific and technological subjects with a focus on metrological aspects'.

Our Goals:

  1. enhancing scientific and technological offerings and school equipment with various kinds of analogue and digital equipment and tools;
  2. promote training initiatives for the Metrology Institute students, also in relation to local historye;
  3. Promote teacher training opportunities on the current subjects;
  4. Encouraging children participation, as well as young people, teachers and families attendance to various initiatives in order to promote science and technology education as a key tool to make informed and conscious choices nowadays.

The actions undertaken were launched in the 2018/19 academic year (see the report), and the programme on this page www.ic3modena.edu.it.
In A.S. 2020/21, will be planned the teacher training course 'Let's pratically measure'.

